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link post  Posted: 22.03.09 15:06. Post subject: Пресса знает всё! :) часть 2

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link post  Posted: 24.05.09 16:18. Post subject: Увы, не только на ру..

Увы, не только на русскоязычных ресурсах публика озабочена тем, как "завалить" (трижды тьфу) Вот материал по мотивам размышлений Патрика Маккинроя, посвященных этой теме.

Супермен для Надаля
Юлия Ниткина

«Темные лошадки» от Рави Убха, которых я обещала на сегодня, отменяются. Есть тема более интересная. Патрик Макинрой сконструировал супергероя, способного обыграть Надаля на «Ролан Гаррос».

Разнообразные эксперты уже не проявляют рвения к прогнозированию мужского «Ролан Гаррос», потому что даже последнее поражение Надаля в Мадриде не поколебало его репутацию непререкаемого фаворита. Понятное дело, «Ролан Гаррос» – не Мадрид. Это совсем другой турнир, с другими условиями и другим настроем Надаля. И вопрос, кто сможет обыграть его в пятисетовом триллере на медленном грунте, остается открытым. Капитан сборной США в Кубке Дэвиса Патрик Макинрой вообще считает, что такого человека вообще не существует. Его можно только придумать, собрав воедино лучшие качества лучших игроков АТР-тура. Даже не самые лучшие, а самые неудобные для грунтового короля. Итак, Человек-Который-Обыграет-Надаля-На-«Ролан Гаррос» должен иметь следующие качества.

Подача Энди Роддика.
Никто не выигрывает больше легких очков на своей подаче, чем Энди Роддик. Если он сможет заставит столь мощную подачу работать стабильно и при этом добавит разнообразия, то он окажется на позиции, когда он будет диктовать развитие розыгрыша. Это также может заставить Надаля совершать ошибки на приеме.

Прием подачи Хуана Мартина Дель Потро.
У Дель Потро невероятный размах рук. Благодаря этому он с обеих сторон может нейтрализовать подачу своего соперника. При приеме он далеко отходит, что позволяет ему сразу атаковать. Это необходимо в игре против Надаля, который на грунте бьет мячом высоко.

Бэкхенд Новака Джоковича.
Новак Джокович может с бэкхенда бить кроссы и удары по линии в лучших их вариациях. Двуручный удар Джоковича позволяет ему мощнее бить по высоким мячам, что является серьезным преимуществом при игре на грунте.

Форхенд Фернандо Вердаско.
Вращение и ускорение, которые Вердаско придает при замахе, сравнимы с надалевскими. Есть множество игроков с убедительными форхендами, но изнурительная работа в межсезонье подняла Вердаско на новый уровень. И выяснилось, что у него один из самых острых форхендов в туре.

Игра слета Роджера Федерера.
У Федерера очень ловкие руки, и при ударе с лета он может использовать это наилучшим образом. Федерер очень хорош у сетки, но ему надо найти способ чаще выходить вперед и искать удачи там – то, чего он наконец добился в финале Мадрида против Надаля.

Защита Гаэля Монфиса.
Скорость и атлетизм француза не имеют аналогов в современной игре. Он достает любые мячи лучше всех в туре. В последнее время он мучается коленями, но когда он здоров, его игра как будто по заказу сшита для грунта.

Скорость ног Николая Давыденко.
Николай Давыденко безупречно передвигается. Он побеждал Надаля на других покрытиях, включая две победы на хардовых «Мастерсах» в прошлом году. Россиянин рано стартует и успевает к коротким мячам.

Выносливость Давида Феррера.
Вязкий Давид Феррер пару раз проходил Надаля на харде и лишь однажды побеждал Надаля на грунте (в 2004 году). Он находится в идеальной физической форме и является одним из самых неутомимых игроков в туре. Феррер выигрывает, изнуряя противника, и если у кого-то и хватит выносливости, чтобы победить Надаля, так это у его испанского соотечественника.

Непредсказуемость Жо-Вильфреда Тсонги.
Жо-Вильфред Тсонга – игрок больших матчей. Он вынес Надаля на Australian Open-2008. Француза невозможно запугать. У него есть все необходимы инструменты для игры, правильное отношение и нечто непостижимое для того, чтобы добиваться успеха именно на поздних стадиях турнира.

Ментальность Энди Мюррея.
Улучшенные физические кондиции Энди Мюррея внесли ключевой вклад в психологический аспект его игры. Быстрота мышления и теннисный интеллект Мюррея чрезвычайно высоки. Он очень сведущ в в том, как лишить остроты игру противника. Хотя у него нет игры на грунте, а у Надаля есть, но у Мюррея есть все средства и теннисный ум, чтобы временами расстраивать первую ракетку мира.

Интересно, все ли согласны с таким набором элементов «противонадалевского» супергероя?
Что касается все же «темных лошадок» по версии ESPN.com, то я их хотя бы просто перечислю, чтобы мы уже начали за ними следить.

Мужчины: Хуан Монако, Иван Любичич, Альберт Монтанес, Игорь Андреев (что приятно), Гастон Гаудио.

Женщины: Амели Моресмо, Флавия Пеннетта, Карла-Суарес Наварро, Сабин Лисицки и Алиса Клейбанова (что вдвойне приятно).

Замечу только, что самым молодым в мужском списке возможных сюрпризов является 25-летний Монако, в то время, как трое из женщин (Наварро, Лисицки и Клейбанова) дебютировали на «Ролан Гаррос» только в прошлом году. Так что, какой из туров нынче интереснее, вопрос все же спорный. А я рассчитываю до появления чего-нибудь действительно интересного на «Ролан Гаррос» вкратце познакомить вас с очень интересным кусочком теннисной истории – победой 17-летнего Майкла Чанга на этом турнире 20 лет назад. Между прочим, по пути он обыграл Лендла. Есть там у нас там в сетке кто-нибудь 17-летний?


“I don’t know how it is for you, but, for me, it’s fantastic” Rafa Nadal

С любовью, хруня
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Post №: 1272
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link post  Posted: 24.05.09 22:04. Post subject: хруня пишет: Увы, н..

хруня пишет:

Увы, не только на русскоязычных ресурсах публика озабочена тем, как "завалить" (трижды тьфу) Вот материал по мотивам размышлений Патрика Маккинроя, посвященных этой теме.

Вот пусть этот Патрик их всех вместе на вторую половину корта и поставит, раз такой умный

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Post №: 1275
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link post  Posted: 24.05.09 23:30. Post subject: В предыдущей теме пр..

В предыдущей теме прессы были размещены сканы из американского журнала Men's Journal, помните, где было написано о том, как Рафа плакал после финала Уима-2007. Натали еще увеличила сканы, чтобы можно было прочитать. Статья очень хорошая. А сегодня автор, американская журналистка Elizabeth Kaye написала на VB.com:

I've been lurking on VB for nearly a year but I wanted to emerge and thank my fellow Rafa fans for simply Being.

I am the writer of the Men's Journal piece on Rafa, the journo who played ping pong with him, and was characterized by the (less than charming) guy from ESPN as "infatuated" with Rafa (which annoyed me, btw, until I realized that all sensible females are infatuated with Rafa!)

I wanted to let you know that VB has been my best, most reliable and most extraordinary resource. For a Rafa fan like myself who happens also to be a writer, I have turned to VB whenever I’ve needed sustenance, whether of the intellectual or spiritual variety.

In my original piece, I wrote about VB, but that section was cut by editors, as were many things in the article. I am planning to write a book about Rafa and when I do, VB will be a featured presence in it.

I also wanted to say that the way Rafa comes across in the Vogue article has nothing to do with the way I experienced him. When I talked with him two weeks before, in Indian Wells, he was totally engaged and adorable, and this had little to do with me, and everything to do with him.

So in addition to offering you all a heartfelt Thank You, I want to say something that you already know about Rafa, and that my brief proximity to him confirmed for me: absolutely, without question, he is who we think he is.

You all are so kind. Thank you. Your words and your attitude is greatly appreciated. I feel that all Rafa fans are part of a true community, a rare thing these days. We are lucky for that, and for him.

I can legally post the original piece in a few months and will happily do so at that time. Until then, the magazine owns it.
Originally it was twice as long as the one that was published. The only upside of the cuts is that they've left me with lots of unseen material for a second piece on Rafa!

Я читаю VB.com почти год, и мне захотелось написать и поблагодарить моих единомышленников-болельщиков Рафы просто за то, что вы есть.

Я автор статьи в Men's Journal, та самая журналистка, которая играла с ним в настольный теннис, и это обо мне один малоприятный парень из ESPN сказал, что я по уши влюблена в Рафу (что, кстати, меня очень злило до тех пор, пока я не осознала, что все женщины в здравом уме по уши влюблены в Рафу!)

Я хочу, чтобы вы знали, что для меня VB- это лучший, самый надежный и замечательный источник информации. Будучи болельщицей Рафы, которая к тому же является журналисткой, я всегда приходила на VB, когда мне была нужна поддержка, интеллектуальная или душевная.

В своей статье я написала о VB, но эта часть статьи была удалена редакторами, как и многое другое, о чем я написала. Я планирую написать книгу о Рафе, и в ней обязательно будет рассказано о VB.

Я также хочу сказать, что то, как написали о Рафе в статье в Vogue, не имеет ничего общего с тем, с чем столкнулась я. Когда я говорила с ним за две недели до этого в Indian Wells, он был полностью поглощен этим интервью, он был очарователен, и это имеет мало отношения ко мне, но очень много говорит о нем.

Так что вдобавок к сердечной благодарности я хочу сказать: то, что вы уже знаете о Рафе, а также мое общение с ним подтвердило: безусловно, вне всякого сомнения, он именно такой, каким мы его себе представляем.

Вы все такие сердечные. Спасибо вам. Мне кажется, что болельщики Рафы – это часть настоящего содружества, что является редкостью в наши дни. Это счастье для нас и для него.

(перевод: Ольга)

Еще Элизабет написала, что ее статья была в два раза больше, чем опубликовал журнал. Она обещала разместить ее полностью на VB, когда у журнала истекут на нее права (через полгода).

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link post  Posted: 25.05.09 00:57. Post subject: ольга спасибо за ин..

спасибо за инфу! так приятно читать слова этой журналистки!

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Post №: 1836
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link post  Posted: 25.05.09 10:22. Post subject: Оля, спасибо за стат..

Оля, спасибо за статью и перевод!
Очень добрые и приятные слова!

...мне захотелось написать и поблагодарить моих единомышленников-болельщиков Рафы просто за то, что вы есть.

Не могу не присоединиться к благодарностям!

то, что вы уже знаете о Рафе, а также мое общение с ним подтвердило: безусловно, вне всякого сомнения, он именно такой, каким мы его себе представляем.

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link post  Posted: 25.05.09 10:42. Post subject: ольга Спасибо за ци..

Спасибо за цитату и перевод

Очень добрые и искренние слова. Но читая их, я невольно думала не о бамосбригаде, а о нашем ресурсе

“I don’t know how it is for you, but, for me, it’s fantastic” Rafa Nadal

С любовью, хруня
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Post №: 1277
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link post  Posted: 25.05.09 11:04. Post subject: хруня пишет: Очень ..

хруня пишет:

Очень добрые и искренние слова. Но читая их, я невольно думала не о бамосбригаде, а о нашем ресурсе

Я тоже. Потому что мы по сути такие же

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Post №: 333
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link post  Posted: 25.05.09 18:49. Post subject: R. NADAL/M. Daniel ..

R. NADAL/M. Daniel

7‑5, 6‑4, 6‑3

An interview with:


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. This question is not about the game. It's about your dress. You are in pink today. Why you are in pink today?

I don't know. Yeah, same like always, why I was white and yellow two weeks ago. Because it's better than dress the same color every week, no?

Q. The start of the game was a bit difficult today. Any reason?

No, always tough, you know, beginning here. Roland Garros always is difficult. Yeah. I say, no, I expect a tough match, and it's normal, now. And when I start, normally I didn't start to play my best here the last four years. But the important thing is be with positive mentality and try to win, no? And Iwin. I won in three sets. That's important.

I played in some moments in the third a little bit better, so just try to keep improving to play better in this match.

Q. Is there a chance that in the third round you could come up against Lleyton Hewitt. You've played each othereight times before, and you've won four each. What do you make of him as a player?


Q. Lleyton Hewitt. You could facehim in the third round.

I understood. Only the last.

Q. (Through translation.)

Well, I'm sure Lleyton is a great champion in this sport. He has very good career. So always is a pleasure to play against him, but right now we are in second round, yeah? Not yet. I have to wait.

Q. Do you feel that the heat change, the condition if compared to last year maybe or two years ago where it was pretty cool here, the condition of play?

Yeah, much better, no? I prefer to play with these conditions than raining or cold, no?

So it's much better forus, I think.

Q. Do you feel more confident or less confident than last year when you started Roland Garros?

I don't know. I don't know. Important feelingis ‑‑

Q. There is no difference?

Every year is different, no? But I never compare, two years, so ‑‑ I don't know.

THE MODERATOR: Spanish questions.

Q. Yesterday you were telling us you're a bit nervous, anxious. Was it the way you felt today when you walkedon the court?

No, not really. Maybe at the beginning to start with. The court is big, and at the beginning, I didn't quite get the best feelings, but I won in three sets. That's very positive. I should have won more easily, but at 5‑4,when I had to serve, then I had to serve again ‑‑ sometimes I missed some opportunities to win the set earlier, but it was a difficult match.

I had practiced well before, but I know that I can improve, and I hope I'm going to continue improving for my next match.

Q. My question is not about your game but about Fabrice Santoro. He's playing his 20th tournament here. What do you think about him, about his career on the tour?

Well, he is a legend on the tour. He plays with his very own personalstyle. Two hands. He was a very charismatic player on the tour,and he's a model for all of us. 20years, long career. That's fantastic. We all wish we can play for20 years.

So he had a beautiful career, and he really deserves a tribute.

Q. What can you tell us about the way Marcos Daniel plays after your game?

Well, I don't know. His backhand is better than his forehand, but I think I made it a bit easy for him. That's my opinion.

Q. How fit are you as compared to the previous years?

Oh, comparing again. Well, physically, I feel ‑‑ well, I don't want to compare with last year, because I can't remember. That was a year ago, you know.

But I feel good, and last year, I played a match ‑‑ well, I didn't play well, really, and little by little I felt better. This year ‑‑ well, it's not a very good start. I'm not going to say it's positive. I would have preferred to start with a very positive start, but I hope this tournament is going to be long enough for me to give me time to adapt and to improve and get good feelings all along the tournament.

Q. About the fact you didn't play that well, are there any compartments in the game where you felt you were not at your best?

Well, my leg game was not that good. I didn't play well with my legs. But, you know, in sports it's ‑‑ in atenth of a second you have to catch the ball and everything can change in agame. You need to be present there, on time. If you play well, you have the feeling you'll be on top of the next ball, but today I was a bit short in my shots. I was not very precise. It wasn't neat and clear during this match,so this is what I need to improve.

I need to playmore ‑‑ I need my shots to be longer, and I do need to improve on that.

Q. You played at the hottest hour of the day. Now, for the upcoming matches, what would you prefer? Would you prefer to play at adifferent hour because of the heat? Is it affecting you?
No, I have no problem with that. I can play at any hour, and this is perfectly bearable temperature.

(по ссылке есть и видео ПК)

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link post  Posted: 25.05.09 19:06. Post subject: Mela Спасибо :sm66..

Хорошо. что сайт турниры стал выкладывать видео с ПК.
Видео по ссылке очень хорошего качества

“I don’t know how it is for you, but, for me, it’s fantastic” Rafa Nadal

С любовью, хруня
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link post  Posted: 25.05.09 19:14. Post subject: Mela Спасибо! http..


хруня пишет:

Хорошо. что сайт турниры стал выкладывать видео с ПК.

...и вообще оф-сайт РГ очень удобный, хорошо подготовились!
Но Рафа все ПК просидел какой-то кислый... Не до журналистов ему сейчас, а вечером еще и блог писать...

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link post  Posted: 25.05.09 19:16. Post subject: Натали Но Рафа все ..


Но Рафа все ПК просидел какой-то кислый...

Согласна. Я-то думала, только мне так показалось Без энтузиазма как-то провел ПК...

“I don’t know how it is for you, but, for me, it’s fantastic” Rafa Nadal

С любовью, хруня
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Post №: 334
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link post  Posted: 25.05.09 20:31. Post subject: Из интервью Маркоса ..

Из интервью Маркоса Даниэля после матча:

Daniel: "Against Nadal, if you don't have a good backhand, forget it."

Translated by nou.amic for www.VamosBrigade.com

Paris, 25 May (EFE).- Brazilian Marcos Daniel, first round victim of four time Roland Garros champion, Rafael Nadal, praised the Spaniard's game and declared that it was essential to have a good backhand if you want to "hurt him".

"The guy who hasn't got a good backhand can forget it, ciao," said the Brazilian after being beaten 7-5, 6-4, 6-3 in two hours 23 minutes, in a match in which "I managed to enjoy myself, keep my head in order and control any anxiety".

He groaned about the difficulty of playing against the Mallorcan on a big court, like Philippe Chartier, because he has "an impeccable physique" and when you think the point has ended Nadal "goes on, and on, and on."

"I also like a big court.. when I'm playing against the poor ordinary mortals," joked Daniel, who stressed that he is progressing, feels pleased with the continuity of his game, and feels capable of playing against the top players, that the key to playing them is to remain "uninhibited".

"It's not that you feel the pressure, it is that Nadal hits balls at you that nobody does," said the Brazilian, who, nevertheless, couldn't put his finger on whether Nadal or Federer, whom he has also played, was the better player.

"Everything about Nadal's game is good. The guy that wants to beat him has to have a good backhand and try to open up the court but... Who manages that? Many people can do him harm on hard courts, but here.... ".


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Post №: 440
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link post  Posted: 25.05.09 20:59. Post subject: Хруня пишет: Без эн..

Хруня пишет:

Без энтузиазма как-то провел ПК...

Странно было бы отнестись с энтузиазмом к такой победе и радостно общаться с журналистами.

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Post №: 1089
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link post  Posted: 25.05.09 21:38. Post subject: Nadal hobbles past D..

Nadal hobbles past Daniel in Paris
Mon May 25, 2009 4:48pm BST
By Julien Pretot

PARIS (Reuters) - World number one Rafael Nadal started his bid for a fifth consecutive French Open title by labouring past Brazilian qualifier Marcos Daniel 7-5 6-4 6-3 on Monday.

The Spaniard, who is unbeaten at Roland Garros since his debut in 2005, needed two hours and 23 minutes to get past Daniel and set up a second round meeting with either Teimuraz Gabashvili or Igor Kunitsyn of Russia.

Daniel mixed up his game with cunning drop shots to try and unsettle the four-times champion but Nadal stepped up a gear at 7-5 1-3.

World number 97 Daniel got a break back in the eighth game of the third set but it was the Brazilian's final gasp and Nadal sealed the win on his opponent's serve on his first match point.

Instead of quizzing Nadal about the problems he faced in the first two sets, the question on the everyone's lips was why the the Spaniard chose to wear a pink shirt on Centre Court for his 29th consecutive win at Roland Garros.

"I don't know. Why was I in white and yellow two weeks ago? It's better than (to) dress (in) the same colour every week, no?" he asked reporters.

The world number one, who won the Monte Carlo and Rome Masters on clay this season, said he has always needed some time to adjust to the conditions in Paris.

"It's always tough in the beginning here. Roland Garros is always difficult," he said.

"I expected a tough match. I did not start with my best tennis here in the past four years.

"But the important thing is to have a positive mentality and try to win. And I won. I won in three sets. That's important."

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link post  Posted: 25.05.09 22:16. Post subject: Nadal made to work, ..

Nadal made to work, Federer impressive

Monday, May 25, 2009
By David Tutton

Rafael Nadal was forced to up his game before overcoming brave Brazilian Marcos Daniel 7-5 6-4 6-3, while Roger Federer was never troubled by Alberto Martin and secured safe passage to the second round with a 6-4 6-3 6-2 win.

Significantly, Nadal notched up his 29th straight victory at Roland Garros (where he has never been defeated) to best Bjorn Borg’s record number of consecutive victories at the French Open which dated back to the 1978-81 seasons.

Dressed to kill, Rafael Nadal emerged onto Centre Court for his first round match wearing a bright pink shirt with yellow wristbands and bandana, but the world No1’s opponent, Brazilian qualifier Marcos Daniel, was determined not to go down without a fight though, and the Spaniard had to dig deep to force the issue at crucial points.

30-year-old Daniel can look back with much pride on a match in which he broke Nadal’s serve on three occasions and was far from outclassed throughout. The player ranked 97 enjoyed his time on the big stage, pushing his prestigious opponent onto the back foot on numerous occasions.

Sluggish start

Nadal took time to get going and never looked as comfortable as he normally does here in Paris. In the muggy heat, he was less mobile and more error-prone than usual. But class will out, and the four-time champion was able to find the array of shots needed, notably to see out the first set after being broken back to 5-5 and then come back from a 3-1 deficit in the second set. Daniel had a last chance to get back into the match when he broke back to 4-5 in the third set and led 40-0, only for Nadal to ruthlessly take the next five points to seal his victory.


“I don’t know how it is for you, but, for me, it’s fantastic” Rafa Nadal

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link post  Posted: 26.05.09 21:37. Post subject: Согласно газете L..

Согласно газете L'Equipe, на тренировке перед матчем 1-го круга Рафа повредил/ударил левое колено (не то, что в Мадриде, там было правое). Об этом после матча сказал Тони, затем подтвердил д-р Руис Которро, который находится в Париже. Во втором сете Рафа чувствовал боль. Но Которро говорит, что ничего страшного не произошло. (перевод на английский Moondancer c VB.com)

The reason for his mood that was less cheerful than usual was revealed afterwards by his uncle Toni: “Rafa hurt his knee a bit before the match, the left one, not the same as in Madrid”. This was confirmed by his doctor Angel Ruiz Cotorro: “He had this little thing during training and, spurred on by the stress, he felt pain in the second set”. This also explains certain anxious and unusual looks he gave his camp. According to his doctor, it’s nothing really worrying.

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link post  Posted: 26.05.09 22:06. Post subject: Блин http://jpe.ru/..

Хоть бы действительно все было в порядке

“I don’t know how it is for you, but, for me, it’s fantastic” Rafa Nadal

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link post  Posted: 26.05.09 22:12. Post subject: Uncle Toni's Sto..

Uncle Toni's Stoic Doctrine

"We should learn to increase continence, confront excess, control greed, appease anger." Lucius Annaeus Seneca

24th May, 2009
By Javier Martнnez
Translated by nou.amic for http://www.VamosBrigade.com

Toni Nadal symbolizes popular wisdom. The world number one's coach studied History, but he is not a particularly learned man; he played tennis but never had much success. He bases his arguments on commonsense, a liking for things well done. "Winning matters to all of us. But, then, each one chooses his own way to achieve it," he commented in conversation with this newspaper.

He speaks about tennis from an ethical viewpoint, carefully watching over the complete education of his pupil and nephew. Rafael, as he always calls him, following Mallorquin usage ("I can't say Rafa, if I called him that I wouldn't exactly be talking about him but about the famous person that appears in the newspapers"), has a lot of Toni in him, although as his coach admits, there was a good clean framework there to start with. "He is good natured, obedient and receptive."

He has always believed in him since he was very young, from when at the age of 8 he was the best in the Balearic Islands. The vast majority do not make the cut, they take their first steps and come to a standstill when it is time to take the big leap forward. "There are others with the same human qualities he has. After all, he's a very normal young man. The only thing that marks him out from the rest is that he has triumphed."


He has done so without it going to his head, safe from the conceit that success usually leads to, especially if it comes at such a young age: "When a tree has become twisted, it is hard to straighten it. From childhood, he had a very normal upbringing, like the kind there used to be, he knows there are some rules he has to respect. If he had another coach, he would behave the same way. He consults his parents about everything. He is a young man still in the process of developing. He lives with his family and, so, asks his parents' permission for certain things. He knows he can't come home at any old hour."

Toni rejects too much permissiveness, the culture of instant success, the trivialization of effort, the frailty of social references. "Far too often, anything goes. Whoever is successful is usually permitted everything: bad manners, behaviour that far from ennobles. My wife, a Philology graduate and former high school teacher, was surprised at how education is based on the student scarcely having to study, on the law of minimum effort." He extends his disapproval to television content, the new ideas behind certain types of entertainment: "Far too frequently we see things that are in very bad taste, looking for the quick laugh. The cinema classics had great scriptwriters, well-developed dialogues. Nowadays, everything has to be light, easy, automatic."


He vindicates solid concepts, those his parents passed on to him, the ones he tries to instill in Nadal: "My parents didn't have to say very much. They taught by their attitude, their application to work. You learnt early that things cost money, that you should put out the light when you left your room, that you should take good care of your shoes."

Rafael Nadal, the boy, lives without any kind of conflict with the triumphant winner, the idol of the masses, because: "He isn't special, he is a normal person like you or me, what makes him special is what he does." And, he keeps growing, even when he is at the very top, as he maintains practically a craftsman's implication in his work.

"In our town, there are many carpenters and cabinetmakers. They swell with pride when people recognise a table or a chair they have made and they strive to do their work better every day." Nadal is strong, extraordinarily strong, and he has a very out of the ordinary mental togetherness, virtues that, in his mentor's opinion, are not circumstancial, either: "As well as having a natural ability for this, he is very well predisposed. From when he was a child, he always knew that each training session was worthwhile, that each ball he hit was important."

In a sport that makes such enormous mental demands, where the figure of the psychologist is often present, Nadal has never needed this type of help: "This is a game and nothing more than that. We live in a world where our necessities are ever multiplying. At this rate, our children will need a psychologist when they play hide and seek and are found."


Toni Nadal admits that "the sport is full of people that have succeeded by using another method." There is John McEnroe, the antithesis of his nephew when it comes to norms of behaviour, the irascible, rude, visceral player, generally considered to be one of the best players in the history of tennis: "I acknowledge the merit of his achievements, but it annoys me that a person whom life has treated very well should be dissatisfied, lack control and give such a bad example."


The sending of the wrong messages starts right at the top: " One of the problems with politicians is a fear of not being viewed by the people as defenders of a very debatable concept, liberty. The first thing they should promote is discipline, respect towards others and things, and self-control. This, which seems so simple, is not much put about. The political class is far too keen on making a good impression, they fear that what they say will be considered reactionary. I don't consider it at all reactionary. The confusion there is in this respect is very dangerous."

The father of three children, he would like for them a world based on good citizenship and commitment, made up of citizens who have been educated in a professional and rigorous way since their schooldays: "At school I would like priority to be given to effort, good application, respect for the teacher, and demanding a lot of them, and they should have to repeat the year when they haven't acquired the necessary knowledge."


Back once again on the tennis court, he vindicates solid principles: ""The first is to attach importance to work, realise that a player can't depend on God, I don't know whether he exists or not, or on nature, he has to depend on his own effort. Starting from there, he has to be capable of putting up with and metabolizing adverse situations. He also has to understand that winning will be easier if he is a well-mannered normal person. I approach tennis training and lessons from a logical viewpoint, and, to a certain extent, they are applicable to life."


"Some die of success, like Ronaldinho, who had no interest in continuing doing his job well. Winning and the fear of defeat present in every match are what make Rafa grow. As soon as he drops his level a little, the others are there."

Just in case, Uncle Toni's doctrine is not always set out in the most pleasant terms: "Rafael would like to have an uncle who doesn't use words as hard as mine. A coach has to be demanding, because, if he isn't, it takes more work for things to turn out well. You have to keep all your five senses alert so that there is no short fall in attitude."

The boy is made of flesh and blood. He has to confront the first signs of capitulation. Australian Open, Melbourne, 1st February 2009: Nadal has come from spending 5 hours 14 minutes on his semi-final with Verdasco and Roger Federer awaits him. Physically, he is at a low ebb, his calf muscles are overloaded, he gets dizzy while practising. There are not many hours left till the final: "Don't expect a miracle," I told him. "It depends on you to make the effort of your life. It will be hard for you to get so close again to winning a Grand Slam title. You can pay attention to me or not. If you do, your chances of losing are high, if you don't, you are almost certain to lose." What happened is common knowledge: Nadal defeated Federer in five sets after 4 hours 23 minutes to become the first Spaniard ever to be the Australian Open champion.

SIN RED por Javier Martнnez
Translated by nou.amic for http://www.VamosBrigade.com
http://www.elmundo.es/elmundodeporte/20 ... 19413.html

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link post  Posted: 27.05.09 21:37. Post subject: Rafael Nadal RAFAEL..

Rafael Nadal


6-1, 6-4,6-2

An interview with:


THE MODERATOR: Questions in English, please.

Q. Fitness wise, do you feel you were sharper in this match than in the first round?

(Through translation.) Yes. I feel well, no? I felt well in the first match, too. I think I played a little bit better today than the first day, so that's positive thing.

Yeah, I won in three sets, so that'sa good thing, too, no? Very happy to bein the third round now, no?

Q. Also, in the first round, I think you broke Borg's record for the numberof straight victories. Now I think you have 30 straight victories at the French Open. What does this record mean to you?

Well, I don't care to try to have result, without thinking about this record, no? Happy for this record, but important thing is have good result, play my best tennis and try to be there the second Sunday, no?

Anyway, today sure, is important and very nice to have 30 victories in a row at Roland Garros. Very happy for that, but just focus on this match, no?

Q. Were you surprised to play on the Susan Lenglen and not on the Philippe Chatrier?

No, I always play second round on Susan Lenglen.

Q. Were you worried, because of the rain, the match was going to stop. You would start playing again at 8:45.


Q. Were you worried that the rain would stop the match and that you would then go back on court at 8:45?

No, no, no. I was worried not for that. I was worried, because always is good to have one day off during thetournament like this, because you can practice. You can prepare the next match better than if you go on court next day with 5-2, 4-2, no?

So I was a little bit scared on that. Sure, this is positive if I can watch the final now, too?

Q. Lleyton Hewitt is two sets up in his second-round match, so you're likely to face him in the third round. What do you make of that?

Always, it's a very tough match to play against Lleyton. I have to play well to have chances to win, so that's what I want try. I play my best tennis. I going to have chances.

Q. Compared to the best level you can play, how many percent would you say it is right now?

That's impossible to say. I don't know, but sure, I can play better,yeah. I hope.

Q. I think you chatted with readers from the Spanish newspaper in El Mundo,and in that newspaper you said that you thought Djokovic right now was a bigger threat than Federer. Could you commenton that?

I never say that. No, I never say that. I always say if you ask me who had the better clay season this year, was I think, my opinion, was Novak. Then the rest, no, after me. He played final in Monte Carlo, final in Rome, and semifinals in Madrid with very tough match against me, you know.

So when he won in Belgrade, he played really good tennis. That's what's my feeling. But anyway, both are really good players,and ‑‑ but they are on other side of draw. I think about my draw.

THE MODERATOR: Spanish questions, please.

Q. Well, thank you for coming to meet us that soon after your match. So was everything organized as you wanted it to be today?

Yes, well, I asked to play earlier than that,but, you know, you can't decide. We have to comply with what's organized, so I had to play the fourth match. I accepted it. I'm here to play at Roland Garros and off to watch the soccer game tonight.

Q. Did you think that you would finish the game that quickly?

Well, I thought about it, because I wanted to finish before the rain. I didn't think about it because I wanted to watch soccer tonight. You know, I'm a professional. All I want is to win my matches. I don't have football in mind all the time,don't you think I have?

Q. I guess you're much happier with what you did today than you were for your first match?

Yes, I did play better today. I had better feelings, and I was very happy I played in three sets, and very happy I'm making in the third round.

So I try and improve every day, because next round is going to be difficult. I should be playing Lleyton Hewitt, and he is a big opponent.


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link post  Posted: 27.05.09 21:50. Post subject: Mela пишет: thank y..

Mela пишет:

thank you for coming to meet us that soon after your match

Еще бы он не быстро пришел!!!!!!! Прибег весь мокрый, едва ополоснувшись, похоже... И еще быстрее побежит отсюда!!!!!!

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