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link post  Posted: 22.03.09 15:06. Post subject: Пресса знает всё! :) часть 3

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link post  Posted: 07.06.09 20:58. Post subject: lybitel Спасибо за ..

Спасибо за добрые слова

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“I don’t know how it is for you, but, for me, it’s fantastic” Rafa Nadal

С любовью, хруня
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Post №: 1386
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link post  Posted: 07.06.09 21:01. Post subject: Да, развод родителей..

Да, развод родителей - не самая страшная трагедия в жизни, бывают вещи и похуже. И, к сожалению, каждому человеку приходится переживать очень тяжелые времена. От этого не избавлены ни великие чемпионы, ни простые смертные. Для Рафы развод родителей - это тяжелый удар. Он очень сильно привязан к семье, он даже в каком-то смысле инфантилен в этом вопросе. Родители всегда держали его рядом с собой, не отпускали учиться в теннисные академии - чтобы был рядом с родными, любящими людьми, под их присмотром. Его очень опекали, охраняли, любили, баловали. Едва заканчивался турнир, он мчался домой, к семье, потому что очень тосковал. И вот теперь всё это "аукнулось" и ударило по нему. Сколько раз мы читали в прессе, что семья - это основа душевного благополучия Рафы, источник его сил и энергии. А теперь как будто почва уходит из-под ног. А как много для него всегда значил отец! Это он забросил все свои дела и всего себя посвятил Рафе, когда его карьера оказалась под угрозой после травмы 2005 г. Неспроста, победив на РГ-2006, Рафа обнял отца на трибуне и сказал: "Спасибо, папа!", и они оба рыдали в объятиях друг друга, потому что Рафа не верил, что сможет когда-либо еще выиграть ТБШ. Не зря именно ту победу он называет самой главной в своей жизни.
Мы не знаем никаких подробностей, не знаем, кто явился инициатором развода, кто прав, кто виноват, но Рафу безумно жаль. И Марибель, конечно. Наверное, я неправа, так нельзя рассуждать, но меня не покидает чувство, что Рафу предали самые родные люди. Ради ТАКОГО сына можно было бы как-то себя сдержать и сохранить семью. Впрочем, может быть, это уже было невозможно сделать...

Пора уже и свою семью создавать..

Я тоже об этом подумала. Но уж очень он еще молод. Семья - это огромная ответственность, к которой человек должен быть готов. Очень бы не хотелось, чтобы Рафа принимал какие-то поспешные решения под влянием момента.

It is high time that one thing has to be said clearly: in the world of tennis, devils are described as saints and the good souls as sinners.
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Post №: 1387
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link post  Posted: 07.06.09 21:12. Post subject: lybitel Спасибо теб..

Спасибо тебе сердечное за твои "много букв" Ты очень душевный и добрый человек. Еще раз спасибо.
И с великой победой твоего любимца! Он как никто другой заслужил этот титул, Рафа был абсолютно прав. Кстати, очевидцы рассказывают, что на РГ в финале было много испанских флагов, на которых было написано Federer, и испанцы кричали ему VAMOS!

It is high time that one thing has to be said clearly: in the world of tennis, devils are described as saints and the good souls as sinners.
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Post №: 89
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link post  Posted: 07.06.09 21:26. Post subject: lybitel Спасибо, о..


Спасибо, очень приятно было прочитать Ваш пост

хруня пишет:

Год не жили вместе?

Все это лишь слухи.
По поводу раздельной жизни и официального развода - так это сплошь и рядом и здесь, и там. Люди расходятся, а развод оформляют позже, а некоторые даже тогда, когда появляется необходимость (желание узаконить новые отношения, например). Не знаю, как здесь, а там наверняка это еще и куча времени "по процедуре": нанять юристов, документооборот, длительный раздел имущества... Впрочем, это уже оффтоп.
Так что ничего особенно странного я не вижу

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Post №: 1388
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link post  Posted: 07.06.09 21:30. Post subject: Veruca_Salt пишет: ..

Veruca_Salt пишет:

Упоминания о разводе - это скорее желание девушек с vb.com докопаться-таки до тех самых "личных" причин, о которых Рафа вскользь упоминал. Родители якобы не живут вместе уже год; как бы то ни было, развод в таких случаях часто превращается в формальность. Это неприятно, очень несвоевременно, но как бы ни был Рафа привязан к семье, для него это вряд ли неожиданность или трагедия, способная столь основательно подорвать игру. Он взрослый парень и большой профессионал, поэтому в версию развода как той самой "личной" причины мне не верится.

Никто там не докапывался, это в испанском разделе форума вычитали из газет. На VB этот вопрос широко не обсуждается из соображений деликатности, все-таки этот форум читают во всем мире. Да, родители в размолвке уже давно, но, может быть, Рафа надеялся, что все будет хорошо, а теперь принято окончательное решение. Мы же ничего толком не знаем. К тому же Рафа уже давно стал "другим". Мы не знаем, что творится в его душе, но он уже не тот счастливый и радостный мальчик, которым мы привыкли его видеть, даже несмотря на победы. После АО он сказал, что чувствет опустошение, что он чувствует себя очень одиноким. Это неспроста. Может быть, он и играет много, потому что предпочитает быть на турнирах, а не дома.
Что касается травмы, в Мадриде после обследования сказали, что у него отек кости (edema of the bone), что это не страшно, но очень болезненно. В любом случае, нам надо дождаться вторника, когда будут известны результаты обследования.

It is high time that one thing has to be said clearly: in the world of tennis, devils are described as saints and the good souls as sinners.
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Post №: 510
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link post  Posted: 07.06.09 21:33. Post subject: ольга Veruca_Salt х..

вам спасибо))) всё-таки как здорово, что есть такая игра и такие люди, которые всех нас объединяют!

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Post №: 90
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link post  Posted: 07.06.09 21:41. Post subject: ольга пишет: Мы же ..

ольга пишет:

Мы же ничего толком не знаем.

В том-то и дело. Может быть, мне следовало добавить к своему посту, что деталей никто не знает, а они могут быть определяющими.
Мое мнение о реакции на развод - всего лишь мнение о некой усредненной ситуации.

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Post №: 2067
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link post  Posted: 07.06.09 21:57. Post subject: lybitel И от меня сп..

И от меня спасибо!

Закинула в поисковик о разводе на испанском, нашла только вот эту статью за 6е число:


В общих чертах там говорится, что родители Рафы уже (на счет года не говорится) не живут под одной крышей. Что об этом давно судачат улицы Манакора и процесс развода уже начался.
Автор статьи встретил Ксиску, она сплетен не подтвердила, но и не опровергла.

...только бы журналистам хватило такта не расспрашивать Рафу на предмет отношений родителей!
Рафа, держись!!!

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Post №: 1391
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link post  Posted: 07.06.09 22:24. Post subject: Rafa Nadal: "Fed..

Rafa Nadal: "Federer es el que mЁўs se lo merece"

07/06/09 - 18:44

В телефонном разговоре с журналистом газеты Марка Рафа сказал, что Федерер больше всех заслужил титул чемпиона РГ.

It is high time that one thing has to be said clearly: in the world of tennis, devils are described as saints and the good souls as sinners.
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Post №: 64
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link post  Posted: 07.06.09 22:39. Post subject: Молодец Рафа! Как и ..

Молодец Рафа! Как и всегда...

Te deseo mucho suerte y la victoria, mi querido Rafa para siempre! Estoy contigo y VAMOS!!! Спасибо: 0 
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Post №: 1397
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link post  Posted: 10.08.12 21:34. Post subject: Nadal won't be i..

Nadal won't be in Cincinnati either

By T. Jaume | Palma de Mallorca | 09/08/2012 | Translated by nou.amic for http://www.VamosBrigade.com

Nothing can distract Rafael Nadal from his daily work. He is in no hurry to come back and neither does he want to precipitate his return. He has pulled out of the Cincinnati Masters 1000 because he is not at full fitness. He is working a great deal with the necessary amount of optimism and cheerfulness in order to return to playing at the level that led him to be the best player of 2012 up until Wimbledon. A month has gone by since his last match against Lukas Rosol and his main concern is getting back the best of sensations that led him to make himself eternal at Roland Garros and play at one of the highest levels of his career.

The player from Manacor is in good spirits despite how difficult it must be for a competitor like him to be parted from what he likes most because of physical problems. "Mentally, I'm fine, the problem is that I was having a very good year for as long as I managed to play. After that it hasn't gone as I would have liked and physically we're not quite there yet. We've been improving over the last few weeks but not sufficiently," he explains at the end of a practice session in Manacor.

The North American hardcourt swing started off with the Mallorcan withdrawing from the Masters 1000 in Toronto and has continued with him pulling out of Cincinnati, so that his next tournament is the US Open, although the Balearic player only focuses on what he does each day. "I'm not thinking about the US Open, I'm thinking about recovering well and competing well, like in the first half of the year. I'm pleased with the way I was playing and how everything went, but my knee hasn't responded since Roland Garros," the world number three comments.

He has it clear that it will not be his eagerness that precipitates his return, but rather that it will be determined by how he feels and by his knees. "I'm in no hurry to play, I'm in a hurry to be well. You want to be well to play because, in the end, if you aren't, you suffer continuously. It's good to suffer, but suffering when you have no chance is not the thing to do. Playing in pain is what happened at Wimbledon and what we're trying to avoid at the moment. My idea is to play when I'm well. I'll play when I'm well," Nadal sums up. "I'd begin playing tomorrow, but I don't feel prepared to start to compete at a certain level. I won't play until my knees are able to allow me to play for two and a half or three hours at the intensity I want," he adds.

Faithful to his mentality of maintaining the middle ground both in victory and defeat, Rafael Nadal considers it is not a question of either sending a tranquillizing message or an alarming one to the fans who await his return to competition. "Neither of the two," he responds. "What's really tranquillizing is that I was the best player on the tour for what had gone of the year both in points and because I was number one in the Race. I was the player who was doing best, but I wasn't able to continue in that line. I care about recovering well so I can end the season with a good sensation," he argues.

He also adds: "I don't think we should dramatize things. I won Roland Garros a month and a half ago and you have to accept that this - being out because of physical problems - is part of sport. The way things are in the world, it's not the time for complaining and what I try to do is work with optimism and cheerfulness in order to recover as soon as possible."

His next competitiom on the calendar will be the US Open in New York, but in the competitive sphere his general aim is "to try to have a good ending to the year, because it'll be a good year, whatever happens, so what is really important is to recover in order to have the same intensity and rhythm of play I had before, which was of the best in my career."

The possibility of the brilliant Olympic champion, Andy Murray, relegating him to the fourth place in the world ranking because of his results does not upset the Mallorcan tennis player. "I could be at No.4 or No.24 if I take longer in returning. There's a point in your career when the ranking is not so important. You can be really looking forward to being number one like this year, because I was in a good position and yes I was keen to do it, but after eight years without moving from the top two places... Another week being number three or number four doesn't give me more or less or make me happier or less happy. Being happy competing is what gives me something and I have to be recovered to do that," he reasons.

Nadal admits it was a difficult decision to give up the chance of taking part in the London Olympics where he was to have been the Spanish team's flag bearer in the opening ceremony, although he also admits it would have been "foolishness" to force his return. There is no solace for the possibility of having to spend more time on the Island, though spending more time with his own people makes him happy. "Obviously it wasn't the year for spending more time in Mallorca with the Olympics taking place. It doesn't make up for it, but I'm happy to be with my family and friends," he comments.

It should be remembered that the Mallorcan played Wimbledon with problems in his knees, and that he has also had to have his usual treatment of plasma enriched infiltrations with Doctor Sanchez in Vitoria. The pain has not remitted in time and has put paid to his participation in the most recent events on the calendar.

It is high time that one thing has to be said clearly: in the world of tennis, devils are described as saints and the good souls as sinners.
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Post №: 1428
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link post  Posted: 11.08.12 12:27. Post subject: Вчера Рафа ужинал с ..

Вчера Рафа ужинал с королем Испании Хуаном Карлосом, находящимся на Мальорке. Его Величество позвонил Рафе и пригласил его на ужин с друзьями. Ужинали в Кальвии, в ресторане Flanigan на открытой террасе. Рафа был с Марией, с хирургом Микелем Санчесом, который лечит многострадальные колени и с дантистом Эдуардо Анитуа, который лечит не менее многострадальные зубы мудрости. Оба врача были с супругами. Король выразил поддержку Рафе в сложный момент, который он сейчас переживает.

Мне очень понравилось, что Рафа пригласил на ужин врачей. Молодец! А они теперь пусть лечат еще лучше!

It is high time that one thing has to be said clearly: in the world of tennis, devils are described as saints and the good souls as sinners.
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link post  Posted: 11.08.12 12:37. Post subject: Врачи держали ответ ..

Врачи держали ответ перед Королём! Теперь он из первых уст знает что с коленом, что с зубами.

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link post  Posted: 11.08.12 13:47. Post subject: Да уж король испанск..

Да уж король испанский не понаслышке знает, что такое больные колени((

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Post №: 1443
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link post  Posted: 11.08.12 16:07. Post subject: Nadia0808 пишет: Вр..

Nadia0808 пишет:

Врачи держали ответ перед Королём!

Давид Надаль пишет в твиттере, что д-р Санчес сейчас на Мальорке, наблюдает за процессом восстановления колена. А тут и король подвернулся

It is high time that one thing has to be said clearly: in the world of tennis, devils are described as saints and the good souls as sinners.
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Post №: 1444
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link post  Posted: 11.08.12 16:17. Post subject: The Sun Also Rises ..

The Sun Also Rises

Arienna Lee

The US Open begins in less than three weeks; the Games of the something-or-other Olympiad are still going strong; Donald Young is still not; Andy Murray might or might not get married during his lifetime; and the parade of a somewhat important tennis tournament is being thoroughly doused in Canada as yesterday’s rain fell like cats and dogs, and players dropped like flies. Official pre-tournament, post-olympian-feat withdrawals from the Masters-level Rogers Cup include: Nadal, Federer, Ferrer, Roddick, Verdasco, and Gael Monfils. Unofficial, or late, withdrawals included del Potro and Tsonga (via losing), and Murray (because they let him eat too much cake). On the women’s side, Montreal is without gold, silver and bronze Olympic medalists, Williams, Sharapova and Azarenka. Lisicki, Penetta, Ivanovic, Jankovic, Cibulkova, and Stosur have already been upset, while Li Na, Petra Kvitova have not—yet. Also, in relevant news, Milos Raonic has become the new Canadian Man of Mystery. So there is that.

I will be back over the weekend with a report on the tennis at Rogers Cup, if there is anyone left playing, but for now, I’m going to write about the looming presence of an increasingly long absence. Yesterday, Rafael Nadal officially withdrew from Cincinnati, citing a lack of readiness in his stricken knees. Given that he has already missed the Olympics, where he was to be Spain’s flag bearer, and one US Open Series 1000 tournament, this latest news gives rise to the question of whether or not Rafa will play at the US Open at all, and if he does, whether or not he will be able to play at all well. My keen blogger’s intuition tells me that, while this news might not come as a shock, Rafa fans are still in need of some rhetoric right about now—or at least a few paragraphs of emotional mirroring and an evocative quotation or two.

Coincidentally, or ironically, (depending on your mood) I recently found that I had saved an Aztec-yellow and pink edition of the New York Times Magazine from June, 2009. It was buried near the bottom of a pile of papers that has been occupying the northeast corner of my study for, apparently, three years now. I reread the cover article by Cynthia Gorney, ‘Ripped (Or Torn up)?’ yesterday. It is a well-written piece, including an exchange with Toni Nadal that is more spontaneous, if not more informative, than most. Of course, the repetition of injury events is striking, but in my opinion, the most poignant feature of the article is the way Gorney describes the experience of watching Nadal play tennis.

The journalist was in the stands for Rafa’s 2009 Indian Wells tussle with David Nalbandian, a round of sixteen match, which the Mallorcan won 3-6, 7-6, 6-0. She wrote, that during the match, “I said to the people near me, Rafa’s not going to win this match, is he. The look they gave me was amused, knowing and kind. A woman said, ‘Watch him.’ She was smiling.”

That’s the twofold (and occasionally smug) thrill of being a Rafael Nadal fan. Very often Rafa trounces the competition, but when the match is close, his fans experience the zinging electric charge of watching, as Gorney puts it, Nadal’s ‘savage refusal to yield.’ This excitement is augmented by the experience of knowing—with 99% certainty— that his savage refusal is not only guaranteed, but that it will, eventually and after much exhilarating effort, trump the other guy’s will to win.

This primal haze is most joyfully experienced in person. In 2011, I was in the fourth row for Rafael Nadal’s quarterfinal extravaganza against Ivo Karlovic, which ended with a third-set tiebreaker so tense that it nearly drove Larry Ellison under his seat. I was at Nadal’s 2012 Indian Wells battle with Nalbandian, which also went three sets, and which Nadal very nearly lost—except he did not. He won 4-6, 7-5, 6-4, and in the process he pulled the entire stadium, screaming wildly, to the cliff’s edge and demanded we watch him leap. Then he landed on his feet—like he usually does—and the crowd was left, either ironically or symbolically, (depending on your mood) utterly weak in the knees.

But as the members of the Occupy movement well know, 99% is not the same as 100, and the 1% can loom large. (*) At the time Gorney wrote her New York Times article, Rafa’s fourth round French Open loss to Robin Soderling was successfully overshadowing his entire career. It took time, but Rafa recovered from the torn up knees that plagued him throughout the 09 clay season. In 2010 he came back and covered himself in glory by winning three majors and reclaiming the number one ranking. Then Nadal lost six straight finals to Novak Djokovic in 2011, and one six-hour-long match in Australia to ring in 2012, but he beat Djokovic in Monte Carlo and rolled through rolled through this year’s clay season. But a surprise second round loss to Lukas Rosol at Wimbledon, and the subsequent announcement of renewed knee-trouble, seemed to mark an alarming increase in the pace of Nadal’s injury pattern.

History tells us that he will be back, rested and ready for the fight, but the worry is that there is always a first time for the last time, and that the final loss—the one that brings about the end of days—will arrive without warning. Yet if the thrill of watching him play is real, so is the risk. Hemmingway is not a favorite author of mine, but there is one line of his that reminds me of the way Rafael Nadal plays tennis. It is midway down page ten of my edition of The Sun Also Rises, a story that starts in Paris and ends in Spain,

‘Nobody ever lives their life all the way up except bull-fighters.’

Life is inextricably linked to loss, or to put it more bluntly, death. Beginnings are followed, sooner or later, by endings. Nadal has a congenital foot condition, a bone that is not fully formed, which requires special orthotics that protect his feet but aggravate the damage tennis inflicts on the tendons in his knees. In other words, medical science was able to delay sooner until later. But even though the condition was not discovered by doctors until 2006, it has been with him since birth, a fault-line that runs through the core. Just as his muscular build, self-protective mindset, and relative ambidexterity shaped his style of tennis, so too might his physical vulnerability. As far as I understand it, his foot is at risk whether Rafa plays timidly or relentlessly, half-speed or full-throttle. So, why not go for it? Without this weakness, Rafa might not play with such ferocious strength, as if the next point really could be his last.

In 2009, Rafael Nadal said it would be ‘great’ if he got five more years out of his game, which places his retirement sometime in 2014. It is also possible Rafa might be finished tomorrow, or not for another five years from today. But whatever happens, whether he plays the US Open or Winston-Salem, or waits until London in November, it bears remembering that it takes living close to the edge to play like Rafa does — all the way up.

(*) Ok, so ‘99%’ is metaphor-speak for 87.5% in 2012, which makes ‘1%’ a numerical metaphor for 12.5%, making the above paragraph a fancy and statistically inaccurate way of saying that most of the time Rafa wins his tennis matches.


It is high time that one thing has to be said clearly: in the world of tennis, devils are described as saints and the good souls as sinners.
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Post №: 1445
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link post  Posted: 11.08.12 16:27. Post subject: Отрывок из интервью ..

Отрывок из интервью с Дель Потро, перевод nou.amic c VB.com

Del Potro: "Nadal is a fighter, he'll be back soon and even stronger"

Argentine tennis player Juan Martin Del Potro, who was eliminated today in the second round at the Toronto ATP tournament by Radek Stepanek (6-4 7-6), has rejected the view that Spaniard Rafael Nadal is on the downward slope of his career.

Del Potro made a forceful defence of the Spaniard in his post match press conference.

He replied with a categorical "No" when asked about this being "the beginning of the end" for Nadal at the top of world tennis because of his injuries.

"I believe he is training at this very moment and preparing for the next tournament. He is a fighter with fantastic mental strength. He'll be back soon and even stronger," he said...

Оригинал: http://www.abc.es/agencias/noticia.asp?noticia=1228299

It is high time that one thing has to be said clearly: in the world of tennis, devils are described as saints and the good souls as sinners.
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link post  Posted: 07.12.12 17:51. Post subject: Вчера в Твиттере поя..

Вчера в Твиттере появилась информация Давида Надаля, что Рафа был в Витории у доктора Санчеса.

Visita de @RafaelNadal a su medico Dr Sanchez en Vitoria.

It is high time that one thing has to be said clearly: in the world of tennis, devils are described as saints and the good souls as sinners.
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link post  Posted: 07.12.12 17:55. Post subject: ольга пишет: Вчера ..

ольга пишет:

Вчера в Твиттере появилась информация Давида Надаля, что Рафа был в Витории у доктора Санчеса.

Очень надеюсь, что это плановая проверка после тренировок

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link post  Posted: 08.12.12 11:07. Post subject: Nadia0808 пишет: Оч..

Nadia0808 пишет:

Очень надеюсь, что это плановая проверка после тренировок

Наверное, так и есть

It is high time that one thing has to be said clearly: in the world of tennis, devils are described as saints and the good souls as sinners.
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