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Post №: 1228
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link post  Posted: 23.05.09 15:11. Post subject: Блогбастер

Блог Рафы с Ролан Гаррос для TIMESONLINE

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Post №: 1910
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link post  Posted: 28.05.09 10:57. Post subject: Вопросы для Рафы: Ка..

Вопросы для Рафы: Каково это побить рекорд Борга на Ролан Гаррос ?

Покскольку ты не проиграл на Ролан Гаррос ни одного матча, ты чувствуешь все большее и большее давление, чем дольше остаешься непобедимым?
Steve, Yorkshire

РН: Нет. Я чувствую себя так же. Я смотрю лишь на то, что ожидает меня впереди, а не то, что осталось позади.

Твоя левая рука больше и сильнее правой?
Claire, Berkshire

РН: Сейчас когда смотрю на нее, больше...

Каково это побить рекорд Борга из 28ми побед подряд в Париже?
Caverley, Chichester

РН: На самом деле я не уделяю этому слишком много внимания. Возможно я задумаюсь об этих цифрах когда завершу карьеру. Сейчас мои мысли только о турнире.

Ты планируешь отправиться в Южную Африку в следующем году чтобы болеть за Испанию на Кубке Мира?
Javidan, New York

РН: С удовольствием бы поехал, но не думаю что найду для этого время.

Ты выиграл столько титулов в своей карьере, что заставляет тебя побеждать снова и снова?
Lorraine, UK

РН: Я люблю соревнования и я люблю теннис. Это дает мне мотивацию, а так же сам факт видеть, что я могу победить.

По словам Николая Давыденко корты в Париже гораздо быстрее, нежели в прошлом году. Ты согласен?

РН: Я не чувствую большой разницы, но сегодня, из-за погоды, условия были немного тяжелее.

Какой самый смелый поступок, который ты совершил в жизни?
Trisha Slade, London

РН: Я не знаю, на самом деле. Возможно то, что я совершаю в теннисе.

Ты используешь тот же шкафчик, который использовал в прошлые годы?

РН: Да, или тот, что рядом. Скажем так, в том же районе...

Если бы ты застрял на необитаемом острове, какую бы одну вещь ты хотел бы имень при себе? Это не может быть человек.

РН: Я предпочитаю не застревать там... :-)

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Post №: 960
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link post  Posted: 28.05.09 13:23. Post subject: Я переведу блог. ..

Я переведу блог.

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Post №: 961
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link post  Posted: 28.05.09 14:19. Post subject: http://s45.radikal.r..

Четверг, 28 Мая

Поздравляю “идеальную” Барселону, но всё таки теннис для меня стоит на первом месте

Всем привет,

Теннис и футбол

Пишу вам после финала Лиги Чемпионов. Мы все смотрели матч в лобби отеле и первое что мне хочется сделать, так это поздравить Барселону. Какая же они фантастическая команда. Они самые близкие к совершенству. И я говорю, что они первые кто близок к совершенству, поскольку кажется сегодня единственное в чем они были заинтересованы был футбольный матч. Конечно, мне хотелось его посмотреть, вы знаете, как я люблю футбол и я часто смотрю, но было довольно смешно получать вопросы на ПК о том, что я хотел перенести свой матч немного пораньше.
Я профессиональный игрок и теннис является первым для меня. Главным сегодня было выиграть мой матч, и уже потом, если у меня будет время, смотреть футбол. В итоге мне удалось сделать и то и другое. Мне удалось выиграть и потом вернуться в отель смотреть финал.

Свободный день

Честно говоря, единственное, что меня очень сильно волновало, было закончить матч сегодня. В какой то момент, в 3 сете, начал падать дождь. Я говорил про себя, пожалуйста, и надеялся что смогу закончить матч, поскольку на таких турнирах очень важно иметь свободный день для тренировки и улучшения тех компонентов игры, которые не были успешными в матче. Если бы я не доиграл матч, пришлось бы продолжать завтра, разминаться для той пары геймов и никогда не знаешь чего ожидать. Если ты выиграешь, то в итоге в этот день уже не так много всего можно успеть сделать.


Как я уже говорил, у меня будет свободный день, тренировка будет очень рано, в 11 утра, для того чтобы я продолжал улучшать игру. Затем у меня будет рекламное событие с Balearic Islands, которые являются моей родиной и в 4 мы вместе встречаемся с международными СМИ.



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Post №: 31
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link post  Posted: 28.05.09 23:02. Post subject: yuliaRF1 Спасибо за..

Спасибо за перевод! :*

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Post №: 390
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link post  Posted: 28.05.09 23:30. Post subject: Вопросы для El Mundo..

Вопросы для El Mundo
(перевод Google)

'This year will not arrive so tired at the U.S. Open'

1 .- Rafa, first of all thank you for bringing us joy every Sunday with your victories. You are our pride. I have a question for you: If you could go back to the past and play the final of Roland Garros with any winner who has preceded you in the past with whom you'd like to confront (and win of course)? Borg, Wilander, Bruguera, Agassi, Kuerten, Moya, Agassi, Costa, Ferrero ...? I wish you much luck in this year's Roland Garros ...

Thank you very much. As regards to your question, I always said that since you can not go back I'm realistic and I am faced with those who today are my rivals. With many of the entries that I have played (Moya, Agassi, Ferrero and Costa).

2 .- Rafa, in all honesty I would like to answer: Do you read the statements recently made with respect to your opponents tactics to be employed to beat? (Ex: Higueras, a former coach of Federer, said that "as in Madrid, Roger should come to shorten the points, to not let Nadal get into his rhythm and "). Will takes up this kind of thing to make a pre-match analysis with Toni or do you focus only on strategy on what you do on the field? I hope you answer me.

I always answer honestly. I often read the newspapers but I do not pay attention to such statements to which you mention. I imagine that when they make such statements is the logic that they will see that nothing happens. It is clear that the other players can analyze my play as I can analyze theirs. It's normal. But in the end, then on the court, we should run and play and that is what we also analyzed before matches. The best way to play.

3 .- Hola Rafa: You're one of the most beloved of Spain according to a survey published by the WORLD in July 2008. Do you think people like you your game, your success or your way of being (manners)?

Thank you very much. I do not know. I imagine that people know and see that I always fight to the end and I try to give everything on the court.

4 .- Hola Rafa, a thousand congratulations for all your great achievements. If you ever played mix, Who would you like to play with?

No, I have not played mixed 'Grand Slam' (which is where they play only). These tournaments are a lot of voltage and current and pending in other competitions such as the mixed doubles and men may bring complications for my preparation or calendar.

5.-I am not going to praise you, would extend. Many times we comment at home reason the first serve always is negotiated and is not alternate. I'll explain myself: you play with Feliciano, the first serve is negotiated (obviously from zero since would not count the past), if remove you, the following party would touch him; the following one to you, and so on. On the part of the organization is easy to carry the control and if is good to remove the first one (or to reduce) that all the players have or they enjoy the same advantage. Luck for your personal life.

Is easier. It wins the lottery and decides whether to remove or subtract. This is how we do it.

6 .- Hello Rafael! Congratulations on your career. I would like to know what your plans will be for your future once you retire from professional tennis. Do you think you will somehow tied to this world, for example as a coach?

Thank you very much. The truth is that not even I consider this kind of thing. Really.

7 .- Hi Rafa! I'm Melina from Córdoba, Argentina, first of all I congratulate you for everything you achieved in your career and also what has been that insurance will not be little. My question: I wanted to know if you thought your team to sacrifice any of the tournaments on clay or any kind of Canada or the Cincinnati Masters to try to get a little more energy to the U.S. Open? I know it's difficult. I send a kiss to you and in me you have who follows to you as you are!.

Difficult to skip a tournament on clay. They are quite a few over the years. As of Montreal and Cincinnati, I do not think is possible because the schedule forces you to play them. This year's Olympics will be without something better and we should not get so crushed anyway. We'll see anyway as the season goes. You should go tournament to tournament, game to game.

8 .- Hola Rafa. First, you tell that I love your new shirt. Have given a twist to your usual image and now you're the tennis player with the flashy clothes of the circuit. Who decides a change of clothes? Nike gives you several models and you and your team choose? Thanks for answering and do not ever change. Mary.

Thank you very much. Usually it is a decision of me and my manager Carlos Costa, based on proposals that Nike makes. Whenever we see a very early design and choose what we like best. But the designs are made based on my tastes.

9 .- Hola Rafa. Do you follow women's tennis? Got a favorite among them, as player, of course? What do you think of the level of the Williams sisters? Greetings from American . Darío.

Sure it do. Favorite depends what you refer. I want Spaniard to win, of course. The Williams have already shown what they are, very good.

10 .- Hola, Rafa! Congratulations on your work and thanks for bringing so much enjoy it. I wonder how or to what extent one can influence tennis player during the game, you're the favorite of the public or not . You've seen in both situations, how do you get influenced? (Clara)

Hombre, playing at home and the public does influence because they help you overcome difficult times and they also enjoy the victories. For me it is very important. But as professionals we need to know to be there in times when the public will not support you.


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Post №: 440
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link post  Posted: 28.05.09 23:37. Post subject: Рафа, при момощи yul..

Рафа, при помощи yuliaRF1 пишет:

Свободный день
Честно говоря, единственное, что меня очень сильно волновало, было закончить матч сегодня. В какой то момент, в 3 сете, начал падать дождь. Я говорил про себя, пожалуйста, и надеялся что смогу закончить матч, поскольку на таких турнирах очень важно иметь свободный день для тренировки и улучшения тех компонентов игры, которые не были успешными в матче. Если бы я не доиграл матч, пришлось бы продолжать завтра, разминаться для той пары геймов и никогда не знаешь чего ожидать. Если ты выиграешь, то в итоге в этот день уже не так много всего можно успеть сделать

Cпасибо за перевод, Юля.
Кстати, не зря некоторые из наших форумчан бузили насчет того, что вечером поставили матч с Рафой. Вот один из ответов, почему это делать не желательно.

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Post №: 392
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link post  Posted: 29.05.09 07:07. Post subject: http://s45.radikal.r..

Friday, May 29, 2009

Anxious for revenge on Lleyton for a golf thrashing

Hello everyone,

Had a nice day today. I like the fact to play the match the day before and today simply wake up thinking I have to go to the tournament site to practice and work on some specific things. I say this since yesterday with the rain there we could have not finished the match. I said it yesterday and I repeat it today. It is very inconvenient at a tournament like this to have to play everyday. Like this, with no play today, things are easier since I just got to the courts in the morning, practiced at 11am, ate, and attended a promotional activity with the Balearic Islands people and government.

You all know, the ones who follow me, that I am always referring to the Balearic Island as my favourite place for holidays. I really like the place, and I am lucky to have been born there since I have it right there. Sure that there are a lot of places out there in the world that are really nice and interesting, but I am honest, very honest when I say that my favorite place are the Balearic Islands. I find it a place where you can find almost everything. Nice weather, nice locations like beaches, cities, culture, food, nice people... in the end this is it. So believe me I am honest when I say this. And I went to their gig today since I am also collaborating with them in the promotion of the islands. Tourism is very important there, the main industry, so it just makes sense.

Well, tomorrow more competition for me and a great match for the fans. I play Lleyton Hewitt who by the way I like a lot as a person. I have had the chance to know him these years I have been playing and he has always been very nice to me, and I am very thankful. Maybe the only exception is when we played golf last year in Miami and he literally killed me... Since them we haven't played again and I am really looking forward to that. But seriously now, tomorrow it will be a great match, I am sure, and I am really excited about this one.

Thanks all.


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Post №: 393
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link post  Posted: 29.05.09 07:11. Post subject: Questions for Rafa: ..

Questions for Rafa: how I once failed PE and my hopes of following in Tiger's footsteps

Questions from The Times

If Real Madrid had been playing in last night's Champions League final would you have found it more difficult to keep your mind on tennis?

No, it would have been the same. As I said yesterday I am a tennis professional and first thing is first. The most important thing for me is this tournament I am playing and if I have time for other things then I do them. Still I think everything is compatible.

What is your first memory of watching or even playing sport as a child?

I always, since I was a little kid that I don't even remember I have been playing. Sport is fun, and I played to do sports, for fun.

How hard was it to miss last season's Davis Cup final through injury? Did you find it painful to watch?

It is tough, for sure. I would have loved to be there and at the Masters in Shanghai. It was very unfortunate for me although the team did great and won. I am happy to have contributed at the ties I played, specially in Madrid.

Questions from readers

Did you feel sorry for Manchester United after their defeat by Barcelona last night, because I know you also like them?
Beccy, Wales

I do like them, but Barcelona is a Spanish team so I wanted them to win. I am happy for them.

Lleyton Hewitt fights as hard as anyone on court and never gives up, are you preparing yourself for a battle?
David, Scotland

sure, I am always preparing my self. This is exactly what I say to every media who asks me about a potential final. Lleyton is a great player with a great history on this sport and it won't be easy that's for sure.

How are your knees at the moment?
Kate, Liverpool

Very good, thanks. I am feeling good.

If you could change one rule in tennis what would it be?
Isle, Hong Kong

I think I am going to keep this one to my self and discuss it at the next player council meeting. It is not just one...

Do you find it hard to balance your tennis life with you personal life?
Divya Babu

No, right now I know that tennis is most part of my life and I accept it. I also have my personal life and I only ask for respect.

Other than the Spanish players, who are you closest to on the tour?
Eleinee Lopez, Melbourne

Argentinian Juan "Pico" Monaco is one of my best friends.

I’ve noticed this year you are carrying an extra bag onto court for your matches. Why?

No, I always carried my Babolat racquet bag and the Nike bag with some extra clothes and shoes.

What was your worst subject at school?
Ashvini, London

Let me tell you that once I got an F at Physical Education...

Many great players become coaches once they retire, although I hope you are a long way from retirement, have you considered what you might do? Would you like to become a coach perhaps?
Sam, Cornwall

No, not yet and I am not sure I could do it right...

If you had to describe yourself in one word what would you say?
Nafeea, Trinidad and Tobago


Any chance of you turning into a professional golfer once you're done with tennis?
Esperia, London

I probably would like to but I think it will be too difficult. I just play for fun.


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Post №: 963
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link post  Posted: 29.05.09 07:51. Post subject: Mela Спасибо http:..


Наконец-то Рафа вспомнил в блоге о еде (дважды ). А то я уже волноваться начала, может, думаю, аппетита нет...

If you had to describe yourself in one word what would you say?
Nafeea, Trinidad and Tobago


Отличный ответ

“I don’t know how it is for you, but, for me, it’s fantastic” Rafa Nadal

С любовью, хруня
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Post №: 29
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link post  Posted: 29.05.09 22:20. Post subject: Mela, спасибо! Хрун..

Mela, спасибо!

Хруня, я тоже запнулась именно на этом ответе Ну конечно, что он ещё мог про себя сказать? Неподражаемо! И Bravo Tio Toni!

Интересно, а если нАм тут предложили бы назвать 3 слова, наиболее точно описывающие Надаля, какие бы это были слова? Извините, если оффтоплю

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Post №: 412
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link post  Posted: 30.05.09 10:06. Post subject: http://s45.radikal.r..

Saturday, May 30, 2009

I am starting to get back to my best at Roland Garros

Hi everyone,

Short one today since I got pretty late to the hotel to do this blog tonight. I was supposed to come back from the site pretty fast after the match and all the media conference and interviews but stayed there doing some work with my physio Rafa Maymo. In the end I got back around 8.30 pm and by the time we went out for dinner it was 10 pm. The time simply goes very fast (in all senses) so here I am at almost 1 am writing this blog.

We went to one of my favourite restaurants here in Paris and had one of the best Tuna steaks I have ever eaten. Really good. We were 10 people tonight so what it looked like a late dinner with only a few turned into a typically Spanish late dinner with 10 people around a table. It was good that it was that late otherwise I am sure we would have not found place to eat almost anywhere.

I normally don't eat that late, maximum to go out is 9.30 pm which is late for most of you, right? By the way, I remember an interview I did earlier in Rome this year and when a journalist asked me about the things that get me upset and I said jokingly that my uncle Toni wants me to go earlier for dinner so I can come back to the hotel earlier to get more rest. Today Toni was with us and he didn't complain much for going so late :-). In the end there are not that many things that get me upset... and that was reported every where....

Regarding my match, I really felt great today on court. As I said in the past days, the slow start that I had was nothing new. I always had these kind of starts here and now with the first 3 matches played I am feeling more comfortable playing.




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Post №: 413
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link post  Posted: 30.05.09 10:10. Post subject: Ask Rafa: dealing wi..

Ask Rafa: dealing with scary plane journeys and tuna sandwiches

Questions from The Times

Were you surprised at how comfortably you beat Lleyton Hewitt today?
I think I played a very solid match and played very comfortable. I am really finding my best tennis.

Do you feel you are beginning to get back to your best after today's win?
I have been practicing really well since I got here but when it got to the matches I have been not that consistent playing well. I think today, specially in the third set, I really found my best tennis back. I hope it stays and continues.

Robin Soderling, the No 23 seed, is next up, what do you know about him?
He is a dangerous player and in Rome we played a very good match,. The result was not as easy as it looks.

Who of your rivals has impressed you most this week so far?
I think that it is too early to pay attention to this. The tournament is long and there are still days to go that could change many things.

Questions from the fans

What was your most disappointing moment on the tennis court? Javidan Karkaria
When you lose something that you feel you could have won.

Since you are on the road all the time, how many suitcases of clothes do you have to lug around? Amy, Houston, Texas
I travel with a lot of stuff to be honest with you. Sometimes too much and I have to pay many times overweight... It is not only clothes but also other things such as computer, DVDs, play station, etc.

What is the one piece of advice you would give to youngsters who want to take up tennis as a professional? Shani, Cheshire
To have fun, and to have fun. This is the most important thing. Then to practice hard and believe on what they are doing.

You like playing tennis on clay, but do you also like making things with clay (i.e., pottery?). Have you ever used a potter's wheel? Paul, London
No, not really. Never tried.

Is there any difference in the way you approach a five-set match from the way you approach a three-set match? Do you eat differently, or pace yourself differently? Patricia, New York
Absolutely. There is a big difference since both physically and mentally the match is very different.

What is your favourite sandwich filling? Julie Westbrook-Finch
Tuna, but I am not a big sandwich eater.

You looked pretty shocked when a cat ran across the court in Doha this year. Do you have any pets? Judith Bell
No, I don't.

Have you ever been on a scary airplane ride? Amanda, United States
Yeah, sure , sometimes. Lot of bounces but I have been told that there is no real danger on that. It is very safe to travel by plane.


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Post №: 985
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link post  Posted: 30.05.09 12:30. Post subject: We went to one of my..

We went to one of my favourite restaurants here in Paris and had one of the best Tuna steaks I have ever eaten.

А вот и блог о вкусной и приятной пище! Жизнь налаживается

“I don’t know how it is for you, but, for me, it’s fantastic” Rafa Nadal

С любовью, хруня
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Post №: 1319
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link post  Posted: 30.05.09 13:41. Post subject: хруня пишет: А вот ..

хруня пишет:

А вот и блог о вкусной и приятной пище! Жизнь налаживается

Когда читала,тоже об этом подумаола Еще подумала, что ты этому обрадуешься Рафа обретает вкус к жизни!

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Post №: 217
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link post  Posted: 30.05.09 17:25. Post subject: хруня пишет: If you..

хруня пишет:

If you had to describe yourself in one word what would you say?
Nafeea, Trinidad and Tobago


ммм, а переведите плиз для плохо знающих инглиш?

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Post №: 447
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link post  Posted: 30.05.09 19:02. Post subject: Dinusik Если бы вам..

Если бы вам нужно было описать себя одним словом, то что бы вы сказали?
- РН: Нормальный!!!!

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Post №: 443
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link post  Posted: 30.05.09 19:28. Post subject: Вопросы для El Mundo..

Вопросы для El Mundo
(перевод Google)

'I Do not think that public is against me'

1 .- Hi Rafa, What do you think is more important in one sudden death, have a very strong serve or have nerves of steel? Thank you very much and good luck. Niamh in Ireland ....

I think the two at a time is ideal, but if you do not have nerves of steel you will also improve the serve.

2 .- Hola Rafa! I am Camila from Argentina, a big fan of yours and I congratulate you for the great start of season you're having. My question is: How do you stay focused and calm throughout the match, especially when things do not go as you expect? It is admirable that you put the claw on each encounter.

Is important because tennis is a very mental sport. For me the important thing is to think about each point. It helps to be concentrated and then think of the time. What has been done, right or wrong, is part of the past and we must play the next point.

3 .- Due the media you have passed to be a very large player of tennis to an idol of masses how you've lived through that change? Must find it difficult to relate with people you do not know or know anything about you. Did you spent, what you feel in such cases?

It's what plays when you're at a high level in a sport like tennis, which has a lot of arrival. The issue is that many people you in a way that almost makes you feel different. The important thing is not to lose and know where you are at every moment.

4 .- Hi Rafa, thanks for the example you give to athletes Spaniards. What Would percentage in tennis: 1-mentality and attitude. 2-Tech. 3-Strategy ", a greeting, and good luck next game is always the most important ...

I believe that all is important. With mentality and attitude can enjoy itself more than the technique and also a strategy can be carries out already studied. But is not this only because also you depend on the opponent.

5 .- Hi Rafa! The first thing to say that I love your new clothes. Every day and play better (the match with Djokovic in Madrid, I was at the Magic Box and it was great). Here is my question: When you face as a tournament of Roland Garros, are you going match by match or is inevitable to think about your possible clashes in subsequent rounds (quarters, semis) and think a strategy?

I go match by match. Another thing would be a mistake, really.

6 . Rafa, do you think you've improved over the years-your strokes -like volley and that's going to allow you to finish many points much faster, saving precious energy then eventually need for a marathon matches or for subsequent rounds?

It is normal that over time will be learning. There is always something you can improve and I said that was true. Many people thought I just said it but it's a reality.

7.- Hello Rafa. You have us to all behind encouraging you. A question on the balls. Why no player repeats a serve with the same ball that has just served with? When you do a second service or repeat, always reject the ball that have just used. Thanks and spirit!!. .

Thank you very much. Depends on the type of service you want to do. Sometimes we want to find new ball speed, a fast and remove others that are seeking more beads used to make the change and get slower.

8 .- Hola Rafa! How is everything? Did you see the final of the Champions? What is your opinion of the final? All my support from Venezuela. Pierina.

I think the Barca was much higher and showed that it is the best team today. Very good.

9 .- Hi, Rafa. I wish you a very particular question, what do you think of the importance of the press for the sport? I hope to be see you one day in some tournament. A lot of success...

The press is important everywhere, not just in sport. The important thing is to always be as objective as possible. Or treat you too well when things are going well, not too bad when things do not go.

10 .- Hola Rafa, after seeing your second-round match on Suzanne Lenglen was reflected as follows: it is widely known that the French do not like to see Roland Garros won by Spanish, and always feel that the French public relies heavily on your opponents. My question is whether you note the same thing by the organization. Good luck and thanks.

No, I do not think so. When I entered the court I always give a standing ovation important.


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Post №: 456
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link post  Posted: 01.06.09 08:47. Post subject: Это запись в блоге, ..

Это запись в блоге, которую Рафа сделал за день до матча с Содерлингом

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Catch the cheats but let us have our privacy too

Hi Everyone,

I am writing this blog today with a lot of will to talk about my press conference yesterday. It was all questions about the Anti-doping controls in tennis. But I am not going to talk much about this yet since I think it would be quite a long post. I am going to leave it for tomorrow in the case I win and that I will have more time to write about it.

In any case, some people tell me that I should not be talking about these things. I know it might not be politically correct and that it doesn't benefit me in any way. Why? Because some people might think I don't want to have controls or whatever. Wrong. That is COMPLETELY wrong. I am in favour of a clean sport and to have controls to catch the cheaters in case there are any (I believe tennis is a very clean sport). But I do ask for a bit of respect with our privacy and the right that we have under the law to have that bit of privacy. As I say maybe I will explain all this tomorrow and I will say, once again, what I think, because I am convinced about it.

So, today I simply had a normal easy practice day. Nothing really special. Well yes, I did have some time in the afternoon to have a little walk in Paris and even went shopping for something I needed. I don't say what it was so that you have some more questions to ask for tomorrow :-)

Many thanks



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Post №: 457
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link post  Posted: 01.06.09 09:03. Post subject: Вопросы для El Mundo..

Вопросы для El Mundo
(перевод Google)

The anti-doping system treats us like criminals '

1 .- Hello Rafa. I read your comments about your friend Richard Gasquet and more than doubtful antidoping control that is torturing all of you. Beyond the controversy, and considering the unanimous position of all players, what solutions or alternatives would you propose to improve this stressful as lamentable situation? The common sense should reign but. ... I wish you all the best. AT THE FIFTH!

I have not said that the system is doubtful. I think that is simply wrong, that there is an invasion of privacy and that we must look at this. I'm totally in favor of controls to ensure that sport is clean. I think tennis is a clean sport and I welcome the fact that they control it, repeat. No one can think that I have the slightest doubt about that. It is not normal for some of the things we need to dp because they are exaggerated and we are treated like criminals and that is not correct. We are speaking with the ATP so that normal and logical limits be put and that that continue there being controls.

2 .- Hola Rafa. My name is Eva and I am excited to write and tell you that we enjoy watching all of your matches. I transmit my excitment and tell you surely match by match you will reach the final and win Roland Garros 2009. ... My question: Do you have time to enjoy Paris, during the tournament? Got some free time? Courage and luck.

Thank you very much Eva. Pleased to greet you. Yes, something I enjoy Paris but obviously not everything that I want. During the day we are always working on the tournament, coaching or playing. I only enjoy it when I have two days between matches or just an early afternoon.

3 .- Hola Rafa, the first thing I tell you you're an example to follow in all respects. Lately, your statements are not very encouraging in terms of winning Roland Garros, do not you think that you can damage your opponents so that they feel more secure in order to win? Could it be Federers win in Madrid? And secondly it also wanted to say I am a fanatic of Fernando Verdasco What do you think about the season he's having? Do you see him as a future threat? Hug and VAMOS RAFA!

No, I do not think so. I always say what I think and then we have to play well and run all by what is said. Fer is having a great season. Playing against him is always difficult.

4 .- Rafa, What has been the most painful defeat . As have been so few is not very difficult to name ...

I have had painful losses that were very small. But perhaps most painful , they are not defeats but not have been able to participate in tournaments or matches much as Masters Cup, or the final of the Davis last year. we can learn from the defeats, we can't if do not participate.

5 .- Hola Rafa! I chose to do a paper on your career in college and wanted you to answer me: What is it that you think differentiates you from the other number one in the history of tennis? thank you very much and hopefully you win your fifth Roland Garros!

I have no idea. I am me and I do what i do. I do not know the truth, you would ask people in tennis who can compare.

6 .- Hola Rafael, congratulations, my question refers to the Masters Tournament. (I think she mean year end MC) Would you agree with me that from time to time this tournament should be held on clay? Thank you.

At that time it is difficult for the climate and also we come from not playing on clay since June. There would be many players against.

7. Hi, Rafa. Just wanted to say you've are responsible for me being hooked on tennis for past 4 years. What I most admire in you, and you're tired of hearing it, your tenacity and the way you deal with the losses and other hardships. Are you still having fun when you're on the court or you can have the pressure of been the number one?

Yes, of course I have fun, I love to play and compete.

8 .- Rafa'm convinced that this year get the GRAM SLAM, which in addition to our gold medal will be GOLDEM SLAM is even harder. Does it not give you a vertigo knowing that your name will always will be tennis history? Thank you.

I only think about the present and what I want and have to do. And later look back and appreciate all the titles. Goldem Slam is difficult, believe me.

9 .- Hola Rafael, big names from the generation before yours (Safin, Ferrero, Hewitt, Gaudio ...) are in the twilight of their careers with only 27 or 28 years. give vertigo that with current conditions of ATP tennis players have shorter careers? Would this not serve as an examples to rearrange the schedule ? hugs Champion a hug.

It is true that it is somewhat hard life, but in tennis, is a must see is the years in the circuit rather than the number in the passport.

10 .- Hola Rafa. We know that it is obligatory to attend press conferences after the matches, is part of the work, of course it is sometimes very difficult to meet, For you which has been the most difficult conference? Is there any reason to remove them from that obligation?.

There is a rule and I understand it. The press needs to do its job. For me, the press conferences are not difficult, nor when I win or lose. I go and say what I think.


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Post №: 495
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link post  Posted: 01.06.09 23:14. Post subject: http://s45.radikal.r..

Monday, June 01, 2009

I lost but it's not a tragedy

Hello everyone and I suppose you understand the reason for not sending the blog post yesterday... Not because I didn't feel like doing it, I am not like that. I simply I didn't have time for it. After the match was over, and after spending some time with my team in the locker room, I had to do all the work at the tournament and went back to the hotel to pack my bags quickly.

My flight was leaving at 10 pm and with the andi-doping control, the press Conference, the TV and radio inteviews and the travel back to the hotel it got really late. We managed to leave the hotel just in time to get on the plane at arrive past midnight in Mallorca. We send a message to the people here and advised them I would do it today.

The first thing I want to say is that it was only a tennis match yesteday. No big drama. It happens, and I knew it would happen one day. It had to be yesterday and well, now I just have to look at that match and see what I did wrong.

It is not a tragedy since as I say it had to happen one day. It is something I have to live with and that's it. I played really bad, very short, not agressive enough (or not at all) with out any calm and on top of that he played well... I simply did not play my tennis. Clearly it was not the best day of my life and I am not happy, but there is nothing I can do. It is hard to lose at a Grand Slam tournament, I know, but I must have confidence to keep working and fighting again.

One thing is also clear now to the public and that I have always said it: Every match is important, every round is difficult and anything can happen.

Yesterday was the proof. When I am asked about the final, about the semifinals and who is on my side of the draw... you see? I am not liying when I say that every match and every round is important. Tennis is a very difficult sport since you can go home on any bad day, and I had that bad day yesterday. I felt good at the warm up, believe me, but never felt good during the match.

So what I am going to do now is rest in Mallorca, at home, with my family and friends and analyze with Toni what happened yesterday. I will travel to London on Saturday or Sunday to defend my title at the Queen's Club and prepare for Wimbledon the following week. Everything normal.

Thanks to all for your support. I know I have a lot of fans there in the UK and around the world and I am truly thankful for that. I know the messages that I have received are sincere and honest.



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